Category: Season I


S1:E11 – [Spooktacular Q&A Spectacular]

Boys and girls, dragonkin starchildren and doody-flavored dumpling diddlers… Welcome to our 2nd annual spooktacular Q&A episode spectacular insert continued descriptives and more ‘clever’ shit here. Your Hosts Chris (Oney) . Zach (PsychicPebbles) Jeff...


S1:E10 – [The Pornography Hour]

Hey gang, sorry this is so late – our home was recently sold. Sooo we’ve all been moving to new houses. This episode should tide you over until the smoke clears, and we can...


S1:E9 – [Checking Our Privileges]

Welp, here’s SleepyCast Episode 9. PARDON THE BLATANT, CASUAL RACISM, MISOGYNY, AND RAPE JOKES. Bye guys! X3 Your Hosts Zach (PsychicPebbles) . Stamper Jeff (JohnnyUtah) . Niall Podcast editing by Stamper Note from Stamper...


S1:E8 – [King Crab, Ruler of Crab Kingdom]

Hi welcome to episode 8 ok bye! Your Hosts Chris (Oney) . Jeff (JohnnyUtah) Zach (PsychicPebbles) . Cory (Spazkid) Podcast editing by Stamper Note from Stamper PC, Mac, who cares – let’s make this...


S1:E5 – [The Rogue Fingerer]

It’s SleepyCast, Episode 05! This is a very special episode, we answer lotsa fan questions and spend the rest of the time blowing eachother and arguing at the top of our lungs! OK BYEEEEE!...


S1:E4 – [The Ghosts of Grandma’s Genitals]

It’s SleepyCast, Episode 04! Uh…grab a cup of cocoa with little marshmallows and join us around the fireplace as we talk about Zach’s…grandma’s…pussy. And other things. Your Hosts Zach (PsychicPebbles) . Stamper Chris (Oney)...


S1:E3 – [Animals, Animation, and Other A-Words]

It’s SleepyCast, Episode 03! We talk about uh…yeah, animals, animation, and…lotsa other shit. I dunno…tanned dicks, this one kid that Cory knew in high school with a huge penis, you know, the norm. …apologies...