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SleepyCast S2:E27 – [Le Rancid Red Boca]

After nearly a year has passed, Chris, Zach, Mick, and Niall, discuss how much the political and social climate of the world has evolved with refined mental acuity that only time and experience can...


S2:E26 – [Calipornia Creamin’]

It’s been a while. For all of us. Stamper, Chris, and Mick sit down to shoot the sleepy shit, here in sunny sultry California. So dust off a seat, plant your plump ass down,...


The Sponge Factory – by Krycklund

From the animator, Krycklund: “Cory recounts his traumatic time at the Sponge Factory filled with retards while Chris and Niall witness in abject horror.” Also from the animator : Consider this my last tribute...


Porno – by Dr. Ewsher

From the animator, Dr. Ewsher: “One of my favorite moments from the Sleeping cast.” The improvs, though occasionally a complete disaster, were some of our favorite parts of doing the podcast. If you like...


Hey Guys – by Toothpaste HD

From the animator, Toothpaste HD: “Mick murders Cory live on podcast.” It’s true. Within the first opening seconds of that fateful episode, Mick indeed made a murder and a murder was then made on...


A Tribute to SleepyCabin – by Skrydly

From the creator, Skrydly: This video took me forever. I think this was the most elaborate and longest video I have done thus far. But, I love SleepyCabin, and everyone involved seem like genuine...


The Marsquatch – by Dylan Bozic

From the animator, Dylan Bozic: “An animation experiment I that started over the summer. With the podcast wrapping up soon, I thought this might be a fitting tribute to the sleepin boys” An “experiment”?...


SleepyWhatever – [Stamper VS Niall]

Lost footage of the brave and inspirational final battle of the minds between Stamper and Niall. Music (with permission) by Oney and Egoraptor https://soundcloud.com/oneymusic/drool-of-fats Shot and Edited by Ricepirate (Mick).


S2:E25 – [Blue]

Spooky tales from the murky bogs of Ireland, super powers of the autistic, naked Turks of New York City, Sonic the Gay, Mega Man the many, and the super secret hidden truth behind the...